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Tree Preservation Order: 571 (2016)

14, 15 and 16 Bennett Close, Welwyn, AL7 4JA.

for the continued amenity of the landscape.

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Pine
Individual 1 Pine
Individual 1 Pine

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Tree Preservation Order
TPO Order_571 (2016)(1).pdf (92 kb) TPO Order 03/01/2018
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2025/0097/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 18 (fire hydrants), 19 (external lighting), 20 (EV charging) and 21 (communications infrastructure), on planning permission 6/2022/1375/MAJ
6/2024/2226/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 17 (Sample mock-up window and brickwork) on planning permission 6/2022/1375/MAJ
6/2024/1781/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 39 (revised phasing plan) and 49 (design code) on planning permission 6/2022/1375/MAJ Granted
6/2024/1208/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition numbers 4 (Construction Method Statement), 5 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 6 (Site Waste Management Plan), 7 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 8 (Details of the levels of the building(s), road(s) and footpath(s)) , 9 (Detailed Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 10 (Remediation Strategy), 11 (Long-term monitoring and maintenance plan in respect of contamination), 12 (Building Excavations), 13 (Ecological Enhancements), 14 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) and 15 (Scheme for managing any borehole) on planning permission 6/2022/1375/MAJ
6/2023/1351/TPO T1 and T2 - both Oak Trees - reduce by 30% due to excessive shading and remove low limb with split from tree closer to house. TPO 571 (2016) Granted
6/2022/2520/TPO To excavate along driveway edge along the side of number 16 to a depth of 600mm below ground level. Carefully sever roots & install a root barrier to protect the driveway from future damage. The roots over time have caused multiple areas of damage. TPO 571 (2016) Refused
6/2022/2519/TPO Installation of root barrier to a depth of 600mm to protect driveway after severance of roots - trees covered by TPO 571, T4, T5, T6 Withdrawn
6/2022/1375/MAJ Hybrid Planning Application: Full planning permission for erection of 97 dwellings (including affordable housing); public open space and amenity space (including Children’s Play); associated landscaping and ecological enhancements; internal highways, parking, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities, and service infrastructure; new access arrangements via A1000, Hollybush Lane, Ascots Lane (pedestrian/cycle only) and Elliott Close (pedestrian/cycle only) and highway improvements along A1000 Outline planning permission for up to 243 dwellings (including affordable housing); cricket pitches with ancillary pavilion (up to 240sqm) and parking; a civic square; up to 270sqm of Class E/F2 space; public open and amenity space (including Children’s Play); associated landscaping and ecological enhancement work; internal highways, parking, footpaths, cycleways, drainage, utilities and service infrastructure (with all matters reserved apart from access). Granted
6/2021/0161/TPO 3 x Pine trees - fell Refused